
13 lines
724 B

created: 20210920160651222
creator: soren
modified: 20210920204851937
modifier: soren
tags: Meta Public
title: Subtiddler
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
A ''subtiddler'' is a tiddler which is tightly coupled to another, larger tiddler. It's not an idea of its own, it's a part of some larger idea which benefits from being compartmentalized.
Subtiddlers are identified by containing one or more slashes `/` in their names. The main tiddler or //supertiddler//'s title comes prior to the slash, then the subtiddler's name. There can be multiple levels of hierarchy if needed, but this is generally rare.
Subtiddlers of the current tiddler appear on a [[Subtiddlers tab|$:/sib/refexplorer/Subtiddlers]] of the ReferenceExplorer.