
44 lines
1.9 KiB

created: 20210606181123394
creator: soren
description: Show a banner to public users warning them that spoilers may be present in tiddlers related to a work of fiction they may not have read.
modified: 20210909023752258
modifier: soren
tags: $:/tags/ViewTemplate
title: $:/sib/Templates/Automatic/SpoilerBanner
transcludedin: All tiddlers that have a `universe` field which is not set to `nonfiction`, if this is the public edition.
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
\define hide-action() <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/config/sib/HideSpoilerBanner" text="yes"/>
<$list filter=<<ff SpoilerBanner>> variable=_>
<$list filter="[[$:/config/sib/HideSpoilerBanner]!text[yes]]" variable=_>
<$list filter="[all[current]has[universe]!universe[nonfiction]]">
<div class="sib-spoiler-banner">
<div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: center; margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 1em;">
<span style="height: 44px; fill: yellow;">{{$:/core/images/warning}}</span>
<div style="display: inline-block; margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[Source]]" variable=_>
This tiddler is about a work of fiction. Absolutely no attempt is made to avoid or <br>
mark spoilers; read at your own risk.&ensp;(<$button class="tc-tiddlylink tc-btn-invisible" actions=<<hide-action>>>don't show again this session</$button>)<br>
<$list filter="[all[current]!tag[Source]]">
This tiddler may contain spoilers for //<$link to={{!!universe}}><$text text={{{ [{!!universe}get[caption]] }}}/></$link>//.<br>
Read at your own risk.&ensp;(<$button class="tc-tiddlylink tc-btn-invisible" actions=<<hide-action>>>don't show again this session</$button>)<br>
.sib-spoiler-banner {
background-color: <<color message-background>>;
display: block;
border-radius: 10px;
padding: 5px;
margin: 0 auto;
width: 35rem;