Soren I. Bjornstad 14cc96a907 check in editions directory
Although this is automatically generated, it represents a critical part
of the content of the edition which cannot be created from the content
in the repository (it's generated from a private directory on my
computer), so at this point it is appropriate to check it in.
2021-09-21 12:27:23 -05:00

183 lines
5.2 KiB

This top-level context manages settings inside the whitelist. It never has
a parent.
var utils = require('../utils');
var Context = require('./context').context;
var prefix = "$:/config/flibbles/relink/";
function WhitelistContext(wiki) {
build(this, wiki);
exports.whitelist = WhitelistContext;
WhitelistContext.prototype = new Context();
/**Hot directories are directories for which if anything changes inside them,
* then Relink must completely rebuild its index.
* By default, this includes the whitelist settings, but relink-titles also
* includes its rules disabling directory.
* This is the FIRST solution I came up with to this problem. If you're
* looking at this, please make a github issue so I have a chance to understand
* your needs. This is currently a HACK solution.
WhitelistContext.hotDirectories = [prefix];
WhitelistContext.prototype.getAttribute = function(elementName) {
return this.attributes[elementName];
WhitelistContext.prototype.getAttributes = function() {
return flatten(this.attributes);
WhitelistContext.prototype.getFields = function() {
return this.fields;
WhitelistContext.prototype.getOperator = function(operatorName, operandIndex) {
var op = this.operators[operatorName];
return op && op[operandIndex || 1];
WhitelistContext.prototype.getOperators = function() {
var signatures = Object.create(null);
for (var op in this.operators) {
var operandSet = this.operators[op];
for (var index in operandSet) {
var entry = operandSet[index];
signatures[entry.key] = entry;
return signatures;
WhitelistContext.prototype.getMacro = function(macroName) {
return this.macros[macroName];
WhitelistContext.prototype.getMacros = function() {
return flatten(this.macros);
WhitelistContext.prototype.changed = function(changedTiddlers) {
for (var i = 0; i < WhitelistContext.hotDirectories.length; i++) {
var dir = WhitelistContext.hotDirectories[i];
for (var title in changedTiddlers) {
if (title.substr(0, dir.length) === dir) {
return true;
return false;
WhitelistContext.prototype.hasImports = function(value) {
// We don't care if imports are used. This is the global level.
return false;
/**Factories define methods that create settings given config tiddlers.
* for factory method 'example', it will be called once for each:
* "$:/config/flibbles/relink/example/..." tiddler that exists.
* the argument "key" will be set to the contents of "..."
* The reason I build relink settings in this convoluted way is to minimize
* the number of times tiddlywiki has to run through EVERY tiddler looking
* for relink config tiddlers.
* Also, by exporting "factories", anyone who extends relink can patch in
* their own factory methods to create settings that are generated exactly
* once per rename.
var factories = {
attributes: function(attributes, data, key) {
var elem = root(key);
var attr = key.substr(elem.length+1);
attributes[elem] = attributes[elem] || Object.create(null);
attributes[elem][attr] = data;
fields: function(fields, data, name) {
fields[name] = data;
macros: function(macros, data, key) {
// We take the last index, not the first, because macro
// parameters can't have slashes, but macroNames can.
var name = dir(key);
var arg = key.substr(name.length+1);
macros[name] = macros[name] || Object.create(null);
macros[name][arg] = data;
operators: function(operators, data, key) {
// We take the last index, not the first, because the operator
// may have a slash to indicate parameter number
var pair = key.split('/');
var name = pair[0];
data.key = key;
operators[name] = operators[name] || Object.create(null);
operators[name][pair[1] || 1] = data;
function build(settings, wiki) {
for (var name in factories) {
settings[name] = Object.create(null);
wiki.eachShadowPlusTiddlers(function(tiddler, title) {
if (title.substr(0, prefix.length) === prefix) {
var remainder = title.substr(prefix.length);
var category = root(remainder);
var factory = factories[category];
if (factory) {
var name = remainder.substr(category.length+1);
var data = utils.getType(tiddler.fields.text.trim());
if (data) {
data.source = title;
// Secret feature. You can access a config tiddler's
// fields from inside the fieldtype handler. Cool
// tricks can be done with this.
data.fields = tiddler.fields;
factory(settings[category], data, name);
/* Returns first bit of a path. path/to/tiddler -> path
function root(string) {
var index = string.indexOf('/');
if (index >= 0) {
return string.substr(0, index);
/* Returns all but the last bit of a path. path/to/tiddler -> path/to
function dir(string) {
var index = string.lastIndexOf('/');
if (index >= 0) {
return string.substr(0, index);
/* Turns {dir: {file1: 'value1', file2: 'value2'}}
* into {dir/file1: 'value1', dir/file2: 'value2'}
function flatten(set) {
var signatures = Object.create(null);
for (var outerName in set) {
var setItem = set[outerName];
for (var innerName in setItem) {
signatures[outerName + "/" + innerName] = setItem[innerName];
return signatures;