fix only one PrivatePerson replacement working per line

Because the 'line' variable was already bound in the outer loop, changes
to the line in the inner loop were lost in subsequent inner-loop
iterations, if required. Change to always indexing the array (which is
defined outside the scope of the loops) directly on every reference.

(This is why it's usually best not to modify things while looping over
them. Maybe a refactor could be in order.)
This commit is contained in:
Soren I. Bjornstad 2021-11-29 21:47:21 -06:00
parent f8edb70065
commit 0705c55e77

View File

@ -388,31 +388,32 @@ def replace_private_people(initialer: Callable[[str], str] = None) -> None:
assert 'public_wiki_folder' in build_state
replacement_table = _private_people_replacement_table(initialer)
from pprint import pprint; pprint(replacement_table)
tid_files = (Path(build_state['public_wiki_folder']) / "tiddlers").glob("**/*.tid")
for tiddler in tid_files:
dirty = False
with as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
for i in range(len(lines)):
for replace_person, replace_initials in replacement_table.items():
if replace_person in line:
if '|' + replace_person + ']]' in line:
if replace_person in lines[i]:
if '|' + replace_person + ']]' in lines[i]:
# link with the person as the target only;
# beware that you might have put something private in the text
lines[idx] = line.replace(replace_person,
elif '[[' + replace_person + ']]' in line:
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(replace_person, 'PrivatePerson')
elif '[[' + replace_person + ']]' in lines[i]:
# link with the person as the target and text
lines[idx] = line.replace(replace_person,
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(
replace_initials + '|PrivatePerson')
# camel-case link or unlinked reference in text;
# or spurious substring, so rule that out with the '\b' search
lines[idx] = re.sub(
lines[i] = re.sub(
r"\b" + re.escape(replace_person) + r"\b",
f'<<privateperson "{replace_initials}">>',
dirty = True
if dirty: