
297 lines
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2021-08-26 19:04:09 +00:00
from contextlib import contextmanager
2021-08-26 16:51:11 +00:00
import functools
2021-08-26 19:33:22 +00:00
import os
2021-08-26 19:04:09 +00:00
from pathlib import Path
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
2021-08-26 20:29:48 +00:00
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple
2021-08-26 19:04:09 +00:00
import git
import tw
from util import BuildError
2021-08-26 16:51:11 +00:00
def _lazy_evaluable(func):
Decorator which makes a function lazy-evaluable: that is, when it's
initially called, it returns a zero-argument lambda with the arguments
initially passed wrapped up in it. Calling that lambda has the effect
of executing the function.
We use this in TZK to allow the user to use function calls in her config
to define the build steps, while not requiring her to write a bunch of
ugly and confusing lambda:'s in the config. The functions that will be called
are prepared during the config and executed later.
def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
my_args = args
my_kwargs = kwargs
def inner():
func(*my_args, **my_kwargs)
return inner
return new_func
# Now a more descriptive name that doesn't expose inner workings
# if the user wants to write her own builder.
tzk_builder = _lazy_evaluable
2021-08-26 19:04:09 +00:00
def stop(message: str) -> None:
"Stop the build due to an error condition."
raise BuildError(message)
2021-08-26 19:33:22 +00:00
def info(message: str) -> None:
"Print information about this build step to the console."
2021-08-26 19:04:09 +00:00
# Global state available to all builders.
build_state = {}
2021-08-26 16:51:11 +00:00
2021-08-26 19:04:09 +00:00
def printer(username: str) -> None:
"Display the user's name"
2021-08-26 16:51:11 +00:00
if username == 'Maud':
raise Exception("No Mauds allowed!")
print(f"Hallelujah, {username} built a wiki!")
2021-08-26 19:04:09 +00:00
def require_branch(branchname: str) -> None:
"Require a specific Git branch to be checked out"
if"branch", "--show-current") != branchname:
stop(f"You may only run this build from the {branchname} branch.")
def require_clean_working_tree() -> None:
"Require the working tree of the Git repository to be clean"
pleasecommit = "Please commit or stash them before publishing."
if git.rc("diff-index", "--quiet", "--cached", "HEAD", "--") != 0:
stop(f"There are staged changes. {pleasecommit}")
if git.rc("diff-files", "--quiet") != 0:
stop(f"There are uncommitted changes. {pleasecommit}")
def new_output_folder():
"Create a new temporary folder to hold output being built"
assert 'public_wiki_folder' not in build_state
build_state['public_wiki_folder'] = tempfile.mkdtemp()
new_output_folder.cleaner = lambda: shutil.rmtree(build_state['public_wiki_folder'])
def export_public_tiddlers(export_filter: str) -> None:
2021-08-26 19:33:22 +00:00
"Export public tiddlers to a temp wiki"
2021-08-26 19:11:56 +00:00
assert 'public_wiki_folder' in build_state, "new_output_folder builder must run first"
2021-08-26 19:04:09 +00:00
("savewikifolder", build_state['public_wiki_folder'], export_filter),
def _find_kill_phrases(phrases: Set[str]):
regexes = [re.compile(phrase) for phrase in phrases]
failures = []
tid_files = (Path(build_state['public_wiki_folder']) / "tiddlers").glob("**/*.tid")
for tid_file in tid_files:
with as f:
for line in f:
for regex in regexes:
if, line):
failures.append((regex, str(tid_file), line))
return failures
2021-08-26 19:11:56 +00:00
def check_for_kill_phrases(kill_phrase_file: str = None) -> None:
2021-08-26 19:33:22 +00:00
"Fail build if any of a series of regexes appears in a tiddler's source in the temp wiki"
2021-08-26 19:11:56 +00:00
assert 'public_wiki_folder' in build_state, "new_output_folder builder must run first"
2021-08-26 19:04:09 +00:00
if kill_phrase_file is None:
kill_phrase_file = "tiddlers/_system/config/zettelkasten/Build/KillPhrases.tid"
kill_phrases = set()
with open(kill_phrase_file) as f:
reading = False
for line in f:
if not line.strip():
reading = True
if line.strip() and reading:
failures = _find_kill_phrases(kill_phrases)
if failures:
result = ["Kill phrases were found in your public wiki:"]
for failed_regex, failed_file, failed_line in failures:
trimmed_file = failed_file.replace(build_state['public_wiki_folder'], '')
result.append(f"'{failed_regex.pattern}' matched file {trimmed_file}:\n"
f" {failed_line.strip()}")
2021-08-26 19:11:56 +00:00
def save_attachments_externally(attachment_filter: str = "[is[image]]",
2021-08-26 19:33:22 +00:00
extimage_folder: str = "extimage") -> None: # TODO: or must this be extimage as the template suggests?
"Save embedded files in the temp wiki into an external folder"
2021-08-26 19:11:56 +00:00
assert 'public_wiki_folder' in build_state
2021-08-26 19:33:22 +00:00
2021-08-26 19:11:56 +00:00
("savetiddlers", attachment_filter, extimage_folder),
2021-08-26 19:33:22 +00:00
def compile_html_file(
wiki_name: str = "index.html",
output_folder: str = "public_site/",
remove_output: bool = False,
externalize_attachments: bool = False,
attachment_filter: str = "[is[image]]",
canonical_uri_template: str = "$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image",
) -> None:
"Compile a single HTML file from the temp wiki"
assert 'public_wiki_folder' in build_state
commands: List[Tuple[str, ...]] = []
if externalize_attachments:
("setfield", attachment_filter, "_canonical_uri",
canonical_uri_template, "text/plain"),
("setfield", attachment_filter, "text", "", "text/plain"),
commands.append(("render", "$:/core/save/all", wiki_name, "text/plain"))
tw.exec(commands, base_wiki_folder=build_state['public_wiki_folder'])
if os.path.exists(output_folder) and not remove_output:
stop(f"The output folder '{os.path.abspath(output_folder)}' already exists. "
f"(To delete the output folder if it exists, set remove_output = True "
f"for this builder.)")
elif os.path.exists(output_folder) and remove_output:
info(f"Removing existing output folder {os.path.abspath(output_folder)}.")
Path(build_state['public_wiki_folder']) / "output",
info(f"Successfully copied built output to {os.path.abspath(output_folder)}.")
2021-08-26 20:29:48 +00:00
def _private_people_replacement_table() -> Dict[str, str]:
def _initials_from_tiddler_name(name: str) -> str:
m = re.match(r"^(?:Mr|Ms|Mx|The)(?P<camel_case_name>.*?)\.tid", name)
assert m
return '.'.join(i for i in'camel_case_name') if i.isupper()) + '.'
# Build table of private people and their transformed initials.
tiddlers = (Path.cwd() / "tiddlers").glob("**/*.tid")
person_tiddlers = (i for i in tiddlers if re.match("^(Mr|Ms|Mx|The)",
private_person_tiddlers = []
for pt in person_tiddlers:
with as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("tags:"):
if'\bPublic\b', line):
# If there's a tags line in the file and it contains the
# Public tag, we skip it.
# Otherwise, if there's a tags line in the file and it
# doesn't contain the Public tag, it's private.
if not line.strip():
# And if there's no tags line in the file at all,
# it's private by default.
return {'.tid', ''): _initials_from_tiddler_name(
for i in private_person_tiddlers
def replace_private_people() -> None:
"Replace the names of people who are not marked Public with their initials"
assert 'public_wiki_folder' in build_state
replacement_table = _private_people_replacement_table()
tid_files = (Path(build_state['public_wiki_folder']) / "tiddlers").glob("**/*.tid")
for tiddler in tid_files:
dirty = False
with as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
for replace_person, replace_initials in replacement_table.items():
if replace_person in line:
if '|' + replace_person + ']]' in line:
# link with the person as the target only;
# beware that you might have put something private in the text
lines[idx] = line.replace(replace_person,
elif '[[' + replace_person + ']]' in line:
# link with the person as the target and text
lines[idx] = line.replace(replace_person,
replace_initials + '|PrivatePerson')
# camel-case link or unlinked reference in text;
# or spurious substring, so rule that out with the '\b' search
lines[idx] = re.sub(
r"\b" + re.escape(replace_person) + r"\b",
f'<<privateperson "{replace_initials}">>',
dirty = True
if dirty:
with"w") as f:
2021-08-26 20:49:54 +00:00
def set_tiddler_values(mappings: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
"Set the 'text' field of selected config or other tiddlers to new values"
assert 'public_wiki_folder' in build_state
for tiddler, new_text in mappings.items():
tiddler_path = (Path(build_state['public_wiki_folder']) / "tiddlers" / tiddler)
with"r") as f:
tiddler_lines = f.readlines()
first_blank_line_index = next(idx
for idx, value in enumerate(tiddler_lines)
if not value.strip())
with"w") as f:
def publish_wiki_to_github(
output_folder: str = "output/public_site/",
commit_message: str = "publish checkpoint",
remote: str = "origin",
refspec: str = "master") -> None:
"Publish the wiki to GitHub"
if not os.path.isdir(".git"):
info(f"The output folder {output_folder} doesn't appear to be a Git repository. "
f"I'll try to make it one.")
git.exec("add", "-A")
git.exec("commit", "-m", commit_message)
git.exec("push", remote, refspec)