A lot of new awesome stuff.

This commit is contained in:
Artem Sapegin 2012-10-12 12:53:13 +04:00
parent 73babe1cd6
commit 6c4d0e8aa2
11 changed files with 998 additions and 144 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,11 @@ cd ~/dotfiles && git pull && ./sync.py
## Resources
[Mathiass dotfiles](https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles)
[Jan Moesens dotfiles](https://github.com/janmoesen/tilde)
[Yet another cool story about bash prompt](http://habrahabr.ru/company/mailru/blog/145008/) (in Russian)
Feel free to fork :-)
Feel free to fork :-)

View File

@ -1,13 +1,78 @@
# Easier navigation: .., ..., ...., ....., ~ and -
alias ..="cd .."
alias ...="cd ../.."
alias ....="cd ../../.."
alias .....="cd ../../../.."
alias ~="cd ~"
alias -- -="cd -"
# Shortcuts
alias dr="cd ~/Dropbox"
#alias dl="cd ~/Downloads"
#alias dt="cd ~/Desktop"
alias pj="cd ~/Dropbox/Projects"
alias o="open"
alias oo="open ."
# Detect which `ls` flavor is in use
if ls --color > /dev/null 2>&1; then # GNU `ls`
else # OS X `ls`
# Always use color output for `ls`
alias ls="command ls ${colorflag}"
export LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.ogg=01;35:*.mp3=01;35:*.wav=01;35:'
# Enable aliases to be sudoed
alias sudo='sudo '
# Gzip-enabled `curl`
#alias gurl="curl --compressed"
# Get OS X Software Updates, and update installed Ruby gems, Homebrew, npm, and their installed packages
alias update='sudo softwareupdate -i -a; brew update; brew upgrade; brew cleanup; npm update npm -g; npm update -g; sudo gem update'
# Clean up LaunchServices to remove duplicates in the “Open With” menu
#alias lscleanup="/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user && killall Finder"
# Trim new lines and copy to clipboard
alias c="tr -d '\n' | pbcopy"
# Recursively delete `.DS_Store` files
#alias cleanup="find . -type f -name '*.DS_Store' -ls -delete"
# Empty the Trash on all mounted volumes and the main HDD
# Also, clear Apples System Logs to improve shell startup speed
alias emptytrash="sudo rm -rfv /Volumes/*/.Trashes; sudo rm -rfv ~/.Trash; sudo rm -rfv /private/var/log/asl/*.asl"
# Show/hide hidden files in Finder
alias show="defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true && killall Finder"
alias hide="defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool false && killall Finder"
# URL-encode strings
#alias urlencode='python -c "import sys, urllib as ul; print ul.quote_plus(sys.argv[1]);"'
# Ring the terminal bell, and put a badge on Terminal.apps Dock icon
# (useful when executing time-consuming commands)
#alias badge="tput bel"
# HTTP requests
alias "$method"="lwp-request -m '$method'"
# Convert line endings to UNIX
alias dos2unix="perl -pi -e 's/\r\n?/\n/g' "
alias npm-patch='npm version patch -m "Version %s"'
alias npm-release='npm version minor -m "Version %s"'
alias npm-patch='npm version patch -m "%s"'
alias npm-release='npm version minor -m "%s"'
# Grunt
alias gw="grunt watch --debug"
ginit() { grunt init:$@ ;}
# Convert line endings to UNIX
alias dos2unix="perl -pi -e 's/\r\n?/\n/g' "
# Tools
source ~/dotfiles/tools/root.sh
# Load external aliases
source ~/dotfiles/includes/root.sh

View File

@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
# Inspired by: https://github.com/dreadatour/dotfiles/blob/master/.bash_profile
# Don't put duplicate lines in the history
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth,erasedups
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth:erasedups
# Set history length
# Append to the history file, don't overwrite it
shopt -s histappend
# Check the window size after each command and, if necessary, update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
# Check the window size after each command and, if necessary, update the values of LINES and COLUMNS
shopt -s checkwinsize
# Autocorrect typos in path names when using `cd`
shopt -s cdspell
# Save all lines of a multiple-line command in the same history entry (allows easy re-editing of multi-line commands)
shopt -s cmdhist
# Do not autocomplete when accidentally pressing Tab on an empty line. (It takes forever and yields "Display all 15 gazillion possibilites?")
shopt -s no_empty_cmd_completion;
# Do not overwrite files when redirecting using ">". Note that you can still override this with ">|"
set -o noclobber;
# Enable some Bash 4 features when possible:
# * `autocd`, e.g. `**/qux` will enter `./foo/bar/baz/qux`
@ -25,143 +26,56 @@ for option in autocd globstar; do
shopt -s "$option" 2> /dev/null
# Setup color variables
if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then
color_red="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 1)\]"
color_green="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 2)\]"
color_yellow="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 3)\]"
color_blue="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 6)\]"
color_white="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 7)\]"
color_gray="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 8)\]"
color_off="\[$(/usr/bin/tput sgr0)\]"
color_error="$(/usr/bin/tput setab 1)$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 7)"
color_error_off="$(/usr/bin/tput sgr0)"
# set user color
case `id -u` in
0) color_user=$color_red ;;
*) color_user=$color_green ;;
# Some kind of optimization - check if git installed only on config load
PS1_GIT_BIN=$(which git 2>/dev/null)
function prompt_command {
local PS1_GIT=
local GIT_DIRTY=
# Beautify working directory name
if [ $HOME == $PWD ]; then
elif [ $HOME == ${PWD:0:${#HOME}} ]; then
# Parse git status and get git variables
if [[ ! -z $PS1_GIT_BIN ]]; then
# check we are in git repo
local CUR_DIR=$PWD
while [[ ! -d "${CUR_DIR}/.git" ]] && [[ ! "${CUR_DIR}" == "/" ]] && [[ ! "${CUR_DIR}" == "~" ]] && [[ ! "${CUR_DIR}" == "" ]]; do CUR_DIR=${CUR_DIR%/*}; done
if [[ -d "${CUR_DIR}/.git" ]]; then
# 'git repo for dotfiles' fix: show git status only in home dir and other git repos
if [[ "${CUR_DIR}" != "${HOME}" ]] || [[ "${PWD}" == "${HOME}" ]]; then
# get git branch
GIT_BRANCH=$($PS1_GIT_BIN symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)
if [[ ! -z $GIT_BRANCH ]]; then
# get git status
local GIT_STATUS=$($PS1_GIT_BIN status --porcelain 2>/dev/null)
[[ -n $GIT_STATUS ]] && GIT_DIRTY=1
# Build B&W prompt for git
[[ ! -z $GIT_BRANCH ]] && PS1_GIT=" #${GIT_BRANCH}"
# Calculate prompt length
local PS1_length=$((${#USER}+${#HOSTNAME}+${#PWDNAME}+${#PS1_GIT}+3))
local FILL=
# Of length is greater, than terminal width
if [[ $PS1_length -gt $COLUMNS ]]; then
# strip working directory name
# else calculate fillsize
local fillsize=$(($COLUMNS-$PS1_length))
while [[ $fillsize -gt 0 ]]; do FILL="${FILL}"; fillsize=$(($fillsize-1)); done
if $color_is_on; then
# Git status for prompt
if [ ! -z $GIT_BRANCH ]; then
if [ -z $GIT_DIRTY ]; then
PS1_GIT=" #${color_green}${GIT_BRANCH}${color_off}"
PS1_GIT=" #${color_red}${GIT_BRANCH}${color_off}"
# set new color prompt
PS1="${color_user}${USER}${color_off}@${color_yellow}${HOSTNAME}${color_off}:${color_white}${PWDNAME}${color_off}${PS1_GIT} ${FILL}\n→ "
# get cursor position and add new line if we're not in first column
# cool'n'dirty trick (http://stackoverflow.com/a/2575525/1164595)
# XXX FIXME: this hack broke ssh =(
# exec < /dev/tty
# local OLDSTTY=$(stty -g)
# stty raw -echo min 0
# echo -en "\033[6n" > /dev/tty && read -sdR CURPOS
# stty $OLDSTTY
echo -en "\033[6n" && read -sdR CURPOS
[[ ${CURPOS##*;} -gt 1 ]] && echo "${color_error}${color_error_off}"
# Set title
echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}:${PWDNAME}"; echo -ne "\007"
# Set prompt command (title update and color prompt)
# Set new B&W prompt (will be overwritten in `prompt_command` later with color prompt)
PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
# If possible, add tab completion for many more commands
[ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && source /etc/bash_completion
# Bash aliases
[ -f ~/.bash_aliases ] && source ~/.bash_aliases
# Add tab completion for SSH hostnames based on ~/.ssh/config, ignoring wildcards
[ -e "$HOME/.ssh/config" ] && complete -o "default" -o "nospace" -W "$(grep "^Host" ~/.ssh/config | grep -v "[?*]" | cut -d " " -f2)" scp sftp ssh
# Locale
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG="en_US"
# Add `~/bin` to the `$PATH`
export PATH="$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
# If possible, add tab completion for many commands
[ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && source /etc/bash_completion
# Aliases and prompt
[ -f ~/.bash_aliases ] && source ~/.bash_aliases
[ -f ~/.bash_prompt ] && source ~/.bash_prompt
# Add tab completion for SSH hostnames based on ~/.ssh/config, ignoring wildcards
[ -e "$HOME/.ssh/config" ] && complete -o "default" -o "nospace" -W "$(grep "^Host" ~/.ssh/config | grep -v "[?*]" | cut -d " " -f2)" scp sftp ssh
# Nano is default editor
export EDITOR='nano';
# Tell ls to be colourful
export CLICOLOR=1
# Tell grep to highlight matches
export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
# Make less the default pager, and specify some useful defaults.
# If the entire text fits on one screen, just show it and quit. (Be more
# like "cat" and less like "more".)
# Do not clear the screen first.
# Like "smartcase" in Vim: ignore case unless the search pattern is mixed.
# Do not automatically wrap long lines.
# Allow ANSI colour escapes, but no other escapes.
# Do not ring the bell when trying to scroll past the end of the buffer.
# Do not complain when we are on a dumb terminal.
export LESS="${less_options[*]}";
unset less_options;
export PAGER='less';

bash_prompt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
# Inspired by: https://github.com/dreadatour/dotfiles/blob/master/.bash_profile
# Setup color variables
if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then
color_red="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 1)\]"
color_green="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 2)\]"
color_yellow="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 3)\]"
color_blue="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 6)\]"
color_white="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 7)\]"
color_gray="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 8)\]"
color_off="\[$(/usr/bin/tput sgr0)\]"
color_error="$(/usr/bin/tput setab 1)$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 7)"
color_error_off="$(/usr/bin/tput sgr0)"
# set user color
case `id -u` in
0) color_user=$color_red ;;
*) color_user=$color_green ;;
# Some kind of optimization - check if git installed only on config load
PS1_GIT_BIN=$(which git 2>/dev/null)
function prompt_command {
local PS1_GIT=
local GIT_DIRTY=
# Beautify working directory name
if [ $HOME == $PWD ]; then
elif [ $HOME == ${PWD:0:${#HOME}} ]; then
# Parse git status and get git variables
if [[ ! -z $PS1_GIT_BIN ]]; then
# check we are in git repo
local CUR_DIR=$PWD
while [[ ! -d "${CUR_DIR}/.git" ]] && [[ ! "${CUR_DIR}" == "/" ]] && [[ ! "${CUR_DIR}" == "~" ]] && [[ ! "${CUR_DIR}" == "" ]]; do CUR_DIR=${CUR_DIR%/*}; done
if [[ -d "${CUR_DIR}/.git" ]]; then
# 'git repo for dotfiles' fix: show git status only in home dir and other git repos
if [[ "${CUR_DIR}" != "${HOME}" ]] || [[ "${PWD}" == "${HOME}" ]]; then
# get git branch
GIT_BRANCH=$($PS1_GIT_BIN symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)
if [[ ! -z $GIT_BRANCH ]]; then
# get git status
local GIT_STATUS=$($PS1_GIT_BIN status --porcelain 2>/dev/null)
[[ -n $GIT_STATUS ]] && GIT_DIRTY=1
# Build B&W prompt for git
[[ ! -z $GIT_BRANCH ]] && PS1_GIT=" #${GIT_BRANCH}"
# Calculate prompt length
local PS1_length=$((${#USER}+${#HOSTNAME}+${#PWDNAME}+${#PS1_GIT}+3))
local FILL=
# Of length is greater, than terminal width
if [[ $PS1_length -gt $COLUMNS ]]; then
# strip working directory name
# else calculate fillsize
local fillsize=$(($COLUMNS-$PS1_length))
while [[ $fillsize -gt 0 ]]; do FILL="${FILL}"; fillsize=$(($fillsize-1)); done
if $color_is_on; then
# Git status for prompt
if [ ! -z $GIT_BRANCH ]; then
if [ -z $GIT_DIRTY ]; then
PS1_GIT=" #${color_green}${GIT_BRANCH}${color_off}"
PS1_GIT=" #${color_red}${GIT_BRANCH}${color_off}"
# set new color prompt
PS1="${color_user}${USER}${color_off}@${color_yellow}${HOSTNAME}${color_off}:${color_white}${PWDNAME}${color_off}${PS1_GIT} ${FILL}\n→ "
# get cursor position and add new line if we're not in first column
# cool'n'dirty trick (http://stackoverflow.com/a/2575525/1164595)
# XXX FIXME: this hack broke ssh =(
# exec < /dev/tty
# local OLDSTTY=$(stty -g)
# stty raw -echo min 0
# echo -en "\033[6n" > /dev/tty && read -sdR CURPOS
# stty $OLDSTTY
echo -en "\033[6n" && read -sdR CURPOS
[[ ${CURPOS##*;} -gt 1 ]] && echo "${color_error}${color_error_off}"
# Set title
echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}:${PWDNAME}"; echo -ne "\007"
# Set prompt command (title update and color prompt)
# Set new B&W prompt (will be overwritten in `prompt_command` later with color prompt)
PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '

View File

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Solarized Dark</string>
<string>Window Settings</string>

inputrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# Inspired by: https://github.com/janmoesen/tilde/blob/master/.inputrc
# Autocompletion
# Make Tab autocompletion case-insensitive (cd ~/dow<Tab> => cd ~/Downloads/)
set completion-ignore-case On
# When autocompleting symlinks to directories, immediately add a trailing "/"
set mark-symlinked-directories on
# Do not expand "~" to the home directory when completing. (The actual value passed on to the command still is expanded,
# though. Which is good.) "Off" is the default value, but some servers override this
set expand-tilde off
# Flip through autocompletion matches with Shift-Tab
"\e[Z": menu-complete
# Do not autocomplete hidden files ("dot files") unless the pattern explicitly begins with a dot
set match-hidden-files off
# Show all autocomplete results at once
set page-completions off
# If there are more than 200 possible completions for a word, ask to show them all
set completion-query-items 200
# Immediately show all possible completions
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
# Show extra file information when completing, like ls -F does
set visible-stats on
# Be more intelligent when autocompleting by also looking at the text after the cursor. For example, when the current
# line is "cd ~/src/mozil", and the cursor is on the "z", pressing Tab will not autocomplete it to "cd ~/src/mozillail",
# but to "cd ~/src/mozilla". (This is supported by the Readline used by Bash 4.)
set skip-completed-text on
# Use the text that has already been typed as the prefix for searching through commands (i.e. more intelligent Up/Down behavior)
"\e[B": history-search-forward
"\e[A": history-search-backward
# Line editing
# Allow UTF-8 input and output, instead of showing them like $'\0123\0456'
set input-meta on
set output-meta on
set convert-meta off
# Use Alt/Meta+Delete to delete the preceding word
"\e[3;3~": kill-word
# Delete for wonky terminals
"\e[3~": delete-char
# Use Ctrl+← and Ctrl+→ (or Alt/Meta, or Esc) to move between words
"\e[1;5D": backward-word
"\e[1;3D": backward-word
"\e[5D": backward-word
"\e\e[D": backward-word
"\e[1;5C": forward-word
"\e[1;3C": forward-word
"\e[5C": forward-word
"\e\e[C": forward-word
# Misc
set bell-style none

setup/Readme.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
### How to remove US English keyboard layout on Mac OS X
Useful when you use some kind of [typo layout](http://ilyabirman.ru/projects/typography-layout/).
bash <(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/bolknote/shellgames/master/us_layout_remover.sh)

setup/log Normal file
View File

setup/osx.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
# ~/.osx — http://mths.be/osx
# Ask for the administrator password upfront
sudo -v
# Keep-alive: update existing `sudo` time stamp until `.osx` has finished
while true; do sudo -n true; sleep 60; kill -0 "$$" || exit; done 2>/dev/null &
# General UI/UX #
# Set computer name (as done via System Preferences → Sharing)
#sudo scutil --set ComputerName "MathBook Pro"
#sudo scutil --set HostName "MathBook Pro"
#sudo scutil --set LocalHostName "MathBook-Pro"
#sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.smb.server NetBIOSName -string "MathBook-Pro"
# Menu bar: disable transparency
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleEnableMenuBarTransparency -bool false
# Menu bar: hide remaining battery time (on pre-10.8); hide percentage
defaults write com.apple.menuextra.battery ShowPercent -string "NO"
defaults write com.apple.menuextra.battery ShowTime -string "NO"
# Menu bar: hide the useless Time Machine and Volume icons
defaults write com.apple.systemuiserver menuExtras -array "/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Bluetooth.menu" "/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/AirPort.menu" "/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Battery.menu" "/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Clock.menu"
# Always show scrollbars
#defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleShowScrollBars -string "Always"
# Disable smooth scrolling
# (Uncomment if youre on an older Mac that messes up the animation)
#defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSScrollAnimationEnabled -bool false
# Disable opening and closing window animations
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool false
# Increase window resize speed for Cocoa applications
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSWindowResizeTime -float 0.001
# Expand save panel by default
#defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode -bool true
# Expand print panel by default
#defaults write NSGlobalDomain PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool true
# Save to disk (not to iCloud) by default
#defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false
# Automatically quit printer app once the print jobs complete
defaults write com.apple.print.PrintingPrefs "Quit When Finished" -bool true
# Disable the “Are you sure you want to open this application?” dialog
defaults write com.apple.LaunchServices LSQuarantine -bool false
# Display ASCII control characters using caret notation in standard text views
# Try e.g. `cd /tmp; unidecode "\x{0000}" > cc.txt; open -e cc.txt`
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSTextShowsControlCharacters -bool true
# Disable Resume system-wide
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false
# Disable automatic termination of inactive apps
#defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDisableAutomaticTermination -bool true
# Disable the crash reporter
defaults write com.apple.CrashReporter DialogType -string "none"
# Set Help Viewer windows to non-floating mode
#defaults write com.apple.helpviewer DevMode -bool true
# Fix for the ancient UTF-8 bug in QuickLook (http://mths.be/bbo)
# Commented out, as this is known to cause problems when saving files in
# Adobe Illustrator CS5 :(
#echo "0x08000100:0" > ~/.CFUserTextEncoding
# Reveal IP address, hostname, OS version, etc. when clicking the clock
# in the login window
#sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow AdminHostInfo HostName
# Restart automatically if the computer freezes
#systemsetup -setrestartfreeze on
# Never go into computer sleep mode
#systemsetup -setcomputersleep Off > /dev/null
# Check for software updates daily, not just once per week
defaults write com.apple.SoftwareUpdate ScheduleFrequency -int 1
# Trackpad, mouse, keyboard, Bluetooth accessories, and input #
# Trackpad: enable tap to click for this user and for the login screen
#defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad Clicking -bool true
#defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.mouse.tapBehavior -int 1
#defaults write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.mouse.tapBehavior -int 1
# Trackpad: map bottom right corner to right-click
#defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad TrackpadCornerSecondaryClick -int 2
#defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad TrackpadRightClick -bool true
#defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.trackpad.trackpadCornerClickBehavior -int 1
#defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.trackpad.enableSecondaryClick -bool true
# Trackpad: swipe between pages with three fingers
#defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool true
#defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.trackpad.threeFingerHorizSwipeGesture -int 1
#defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad TrackpadThreeFingerHorizSwipeGesture -int 1
# Disable “natural” (Lion-style) scrolling
#defaults write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.swipescrolldirection -bool false
# Increase sound quality for Bluetooth headphones/headsets
#defaults write com.apple.BluetoothAudioAgent "Apple Bitpool Min (editable)" -int 40
# Enable full keyboard access for all controls
# (e.g. enable Tab in modal dialogs)
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleKeyboardUIMode -int 3
# Enable access for assistive devices
echo -n 'a' | sudo tee /private/var/db/.AccessibilityAPIEnabled > /dev/null 2>&1
sudo chmod 444 /private/var/db/.AccessibilityAPIEnabled
# TODO: avoid GUI password prompt somehow (http://apple.stackexchange.com/q/60476/4408)
#sudo osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to set UI elements enabled to true'
# Use scroll gesture with the Ctrl (^) modifier key to zoom
defaults write com.apple.universalaccess closeViewScrollWheelToggle -bool true
defaults write com.apple.universalaccess HIDScrollZoomModifierMask -int 262144
# Follow the keyboard focus while zoomed in
defaults write com.apple.universalaccess closeViewZoomFollowsFocus -bool true
# Disable press-and-hold for keys in favor of key repeat
#defaults write NSGlobalDomain ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
# Set a blazingly fast keyboard repeat rate
#defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 0
# Don't illuminate built-in MacBook keyboard in low light
defaults write com.apple.BezelServices kDim -bool false
# Turn off keyboard illumination when computer is not used for 5 minutes
defaults write com.apple.BezelServices kDimTime -int 300
# Set language and text formats
# Note: if youre in the US, replace `EUR` with `USD`, `Centimeters` with
# `Inches`, and `true` with `false`.
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleLanguages -array "en" "ru"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleLocale -string "ru_RU@currency=RUR"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleMeasurementUnits -string "Centimeters"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleMetricUnits -bool true
# Set the timezone; see `systemsetup -listtimezones` for other values
systemsetup -settimezone "Europe/Moscow" > /dev/null
# Disable auto-correct
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled -bool false
# Screen #
# Require password immediately after sleep or screen saver begins
defaults write com.apple.screensaver askForPassword -int 1
defaults write com.apple.screensaver askForPasswordDelay -int 0
# Save screenshots to the desktop
defaults write com.apple.screencapture location -string "$HOME/Desktop"
# Save screenshots in PNG format (other options: BMP, GIF, JPG, PDF, TIFF)
defaults write com.apple.screencapture type -string "png"
# Disable shadow in screenshots
#defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool true
# Enable subpixel font rendering on non-Apple LCDs
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 2
# Enable HiDPI display modes (requires restart)
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool true
# Finder #
# Finder: allow quitting via ⌘ + Q; doing so will also hide desktop icons
defaults write com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem -bool true
# Finder: disable window animations and Get Info animations
defaults write com.apple.finder DisableAllAnimations -bool true
# Show icons for hard drives, servers, and removable media on the desktop
#defaults write com.apple.finder ShowExternalHardDrivesOnDesktop -bool true
#defaults write com.apple.finder ShowHardDrivesOnDesktop -bool true
#defaults write com.apple.finder ShowMountedServersOnDesktop -bool true
#defaults write com.apple.finder ShowRemovableMediaOnDesktop -bool true
# Finder: show hidden files by default
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true
# Finder: show all filename extensions
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleShowAllExtensions -bool true
# Finder: hide status bar
defaults write com.apple.finder ShowStatusBar -bool false
# Finder: show path bar
defaults write com.apple.finder ShowPathBar -boolean true
# Finder: allow text selection in Quick Look
defaults write com.apple.finder QLEnableTextSelection -bool true
# Display full POSIX path as Finder window title
#defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool true
# When performing a search, search the current folder by default
defaults write com.apple.finder FXDefaultSearchScope -string "SCcf"
# Disable the warning when changing a file extension
defaults write com.apple.finder FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning -bool false
# Avoid creating .DS_Store files on network volumes
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true
# Disable disk image verification
defaults write com.apple.frameworks.diskimages skip-verify -bool true
defaults write com.apple.frameworks.diskimages skip-verify-locked -bool true
defaults write com.apple.frameworks.diskimages skip-verify-remote -bool true
# Automatically open a new Finder window when a volume is mounted
defaults write com.apple.frameworks.diskimages auto-open-ro-root -bool true
defaults write com.apple.frameworks.diskimages auto-open-rw-root -bool true
defaults write com.apple.finder OpenWindowForNewRemovableDisk -bool true
# Show item info below icons on the desktop and in other icon views
#/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :DesktopViewSettings:IconViewSettings:showItemInfo true" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
#/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :FK_StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:showItemInfo true" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
#/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:showItemInfo true" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
# Enable snap-to-grid for icons on the desktop and in other icon views
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :DesktopViewSettings:IconViewSettings:arrangeBy grid" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :FK_StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:arrangeBy grid" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:arrangeBy grid" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
# Increase grid spacing for icons on the desktop and in other icon views
#/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :DesktopViewSettings:IconViewSettings:gridSpacing 100" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
#/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :FK_StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:gridSpacing 100" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
#/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:gridSpacing 100" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
# Increase the size of icons on the desktop and in other icon views
#/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :DesktopViewSettings:IconViewSettings:iconSize 80" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
#/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :FK_StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:iconSize 80" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
#/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:iconSize 80" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
# Use list view in all Finder windows by default
# Four-letter codes for the other view modes: `icnv`, `clmv`, `Flwv`
defaults write com.apple.finder FXPreferredViewStyle -string "Nlsv"
# Disable the warning before emptying the Trash
#defaults write com.apple.finder WarnOnEmptyTrash -bool false
# Empty Trash securely by default
defaults write com.apple.finder EmptyTrashSecurely -bool true
# Enable AirDrop over Ethernet and on unsupported Macs running Lion
defaults write com.apple.NetworkBrowser BrowseAllInterfaces -bool true
# Finder: disable sounds
defaults write com.apple.finder FinderSounds -boolean false
# Show the ~/Library folder
chflags nohidden ~/Library
# Remove Dropboxs green checkmark icons in Finder
[ -e "$file" ] && mv -f "$file" "$file.bak"
unset file
# Dock & hot corners #
# Enable highlight hover effect for the grid view of a stack (Dock)
#defaults write com.apple.dock mouse-over-hilte-stack -bool true
# Set the icon size of Dock items to 60 pixels
defaults write com.apple.dock tilesize -int 60
# Enable spring loading for all Dock items
defaults write com.apple.dock enable-spring-load-actions-on-all-items -bool true
# Don't show indicator lights for open applications in the Dock
defaults write com.apple.dock show-process-indicators -bool false
# Dont animate opening applications from the Dock
defaults write com.apple.dock launchanim -bool false
# Speed up Mission Control animations
defaults write com.apple.dock expose-animation-duration -float 0.1
# Dont group windows by application in Mission Control
# (i.e. use the old Exposé behavior instead)
defaults write com.apple.dock expose-group-by-app -bool false
# Dont show Dashboard as a Space
defaults write com.apple.dock dashboard-in-overlay -bool true
# Remove the auto-hiding Dock delay
defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide-delay -float 0
# Remove the animation when hiding/showing the Dock
defaults write com.apple.dock autohide-time-modifier -float 0
# Enable the 2D Dock
#defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -bool true
# Automatically hide and show the Dock
defaults write com.apple.dock autohide -bool true
# Make Dock icons of hidden applications translucent
#defaults write com.apple.dock showhidden -bool true
# Disable icon bouncing (looks like it don't work)
defaults write com.apple.dock no-bouncing -bool true
# Disable Space switching on Command-Tab
defaults write com.apple.dock workspaces-auto-swoosh -bool false
# Reset Launchpad
find ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock -name "*.db" -maxdepth 1 -delete
# Add iOS Simulator to Launchpad
#ln -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/iPhone\ Simulator.app /Applications/iOS\ Simulator.app
# Add a spacer to the left side of the Dock (where the applications are)
#defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-apps -array-add '{tile-data={}; tile-type="spacer-tile";}'
# Add a spacer to the right side of the Dock (where the Trash is)
#defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-others -array-add '{tile-data={}; tile-type="spacer-tile";}'
# Hot corners
# Top left screen corner → Mission Control
#defaults write com.apple.dock wvous-tl-corner -int 2
#defaults write com.apple.dock wvous-tl-modifier -int 0
# Top right screen corner → Desktop
#defaults write com.apple.dock wvous-tr-corner -int 4
#defaults write com.apple.dock wvous-tr-modifier -int 0
# Bottom left screen corner → Start screen saver
#defaults write com.apple.dock wvous-bl-corner -int 5
#defaults write com.apple.dock wvous-bl-modifier -int 0
# Misc #
# Check spelling as you type
defaults write -g CheckSpellingWhileTyping -boolean true
# Enable continuous spell checking everywhere (don't know what it means)
defaults write -g WebContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled -boolean true
# Safari & WebKit #
# Set Safaris home page to `about:blank` for faster loading
defaults write com.apple.Safari HomePage -string "about:blank"
# Prevent Safari from opening safe files automatically after downloading
defaults write com.apple.Safari AutoOpenSafeDownloads -bool false
# Allow hitting the Backspace key to go to the previous page in history
defaults write com.apple.Safari com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2BackspaceKeyNavigationEnabled -bool true
# Hide Safaris bookmarks bar by default
defaults write com.apple.Safari ShowFavoritesBar -bool false
# Disable Safaris thumbnail cache for History and Top Sites
defaults write com.apple.Safari DebugSnapshotsUpdatePolicy -int 2
# Enable Safaris debug menu
defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeInternalDebugMenu -bool true
# Make Safaris search banners default to Contains instead of Starts With
defaults write com.apple.Safari FindOnPageMatchesWordStartsOnly -bool false
# Remove useless icons from Safaris bookmarks bar
defaults write com.apple.Safari ProxiesInBookmarksBar "()"
# Enable the Develop menu and the Web Inspector in Safari
defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDevelopMenu -bool true
defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitDeveloperExtrasEnabledPreferenceKey -bool true
defaults write com.apple.Safari com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2DeveloperExtrasEnabled -bool true
# Add a context menu item for showing the Web Inspector in web views
defaults write NSGlobalDomain WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true
# Enable the WebKit Developer Tools in the Mac App Store
defaults write com.apple.appstore WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true
# iTunes #
# Disable the iTunes store link arrows
defaults write com.apple.iTunes show-store-link-arrows -bool false
# Disable the Genius sidebar in iTunes
defaults write com.apple.iTunes disableGeniusSidebar -bool true
# Disable the Ping sidebar in iTunes
defaults write com.apple.iTunes disablePingSidebar -bool true
# Disable all the other Ping stuff in iTunes
defaults write com.apple.iTunes disablePing -bool true
# Disable radio stations in iTunes
defaults write com.apple.iTunes disableRadio -bool true
# Make ⌘ + F focus the search input in iTunes
# To use these commands in another language, browse iTuness package contents,
# open `Contents/Resources/your-language.lproj/Localizable.strings`, and look
# for `kHiddenMenuItemTargetSearch`.
defaults write com.apple.iTunes NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add "Target Search Field" "@F"
# Terminal #
# Only use UTF-8 in Terminal.app
defaults write com.apple.terminal StringEncodings -array 4
# Use a modified version of the Pro theme by default in Terminal.app
open "$HOME/dotfiles/color/Solarized Dark.terminal"
sleep 1 # Wait a bit to make sure the theme is loaded
defaults write com.apple.terminal "Default Window Settings" -string "Solarized Dark"
defaults write com.apple.terminal "Startup Window Settings" -string "Solarized Dark"
# Enable “focus follows mouse” for Terminal.app and all X11 apps
# i.e. hover over a window and start typing in it without clicking first
#defaults write com.apple.terminal FocusFollowsMouse -bool true
#defaults write org.x.X11 wm_ffm -bool true
# Time Machine #
# Prevent Time Machine from prompting to use new hard drives as backup volume
defaults write com.apple.TimeMachine DoNotOfferNewDisksForBackup -bool true
# Disable local Time Machine backups
hash tmutil &> /dev/null && sudo tmutil disablelocal
# Address Book, Dashboard, iCal, TextEdit, and Disk Utility #
# Enable the debug menu in Address Book
#defaults write com.apple.addressbook ABShowDebugMenu -bool true
# Enable Dashboard dev mode (allows keeping widgets on the desktop)
#defaults write com.apple.dashboard devmode -bool true
# Enable the debug menu in iCal (pre-10.8)
#defaults write com.apple.iCal IncludeDebugMenu -bool true
# Use plain text mode for new TextEdit documents
defaults write com.apple.TextEdit RichText -int 0
# Open and save files as UTF-8 in TextEdit
defaults write com.apple.TextEdit PlainTextEncoding -int 4
defaults write com.apple.TextEdit PlainTextEncodingForWrite -int 4
# Enable the debug menu in Disk Utility
#defaults write com.apple.DiskUtility DUDebugMenuEnabled -bool true
#defaults write com.apple.DiskUtility advanced-image-options -bool true
# Google Chrome & Google Chrome Canary #
# Allow installing user scripts via GitHub or Userscripts.org
defaults write com.google.Chrome ExtensionInstallSources -array "https://*.github.com/*" "http://userscripts.org/*"
defaults write com.google.Chrome.canary ExtensionInstallSources -array "https://*.github.com/*" "http://userscripts.org/*"
# Sublime Text 2 #
# Link Sublime Text 2 command line
ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" ~/bin/subl
# Kill affected applications #
for app in "Address Book" "Calendar" "Contacts" "Dashboard" "Dock" "Finder" \
"Mail" "Safari" "SizeUp" "SystemUIServer" "Terminal" "Transmission" \
"Twitter" "iCal" "iTunes"; do
killall "$app" > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Done. Note that some of these changes require a logout/restart to take effect."

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Source: https://gist.github.com/490016
import os
import glob
EXCLUDE = ['tools', 'sync.py', 'Readme.md']
EXCLUDE = ['tools', 'color', 'sync.py', 'Readme.md']
NO_DOT_PREFIX = ['bin']
def force_remove(path):