import datetime import functools import json import os from pathlib import Path import subprocess from textwrap import dedent from typing import Optional, Sequence from tzk import config from tzk import git from tzk.util import pushd @functools.lru_cache(1) def _npm_bin() -> str: return subprocess.check_output(("npm", "bin"), text=True).strip() def _tw_path() -> str: return _npm_bin() + "/tiddlywiki" @functools.lru_cache(1) def _whoami() -> str: "Try to guess the user's name." try: return subprocess.check_output(("whoami",), text=True).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return "user" def exec(args: Sequence[Sequence[str]], base_wiki_folder: str = None) -> int: """ Execute a series of TiddlyWiki commands. :param args: A list of lists of CLI commands to send to TiddlyWiki. The first element of each list is a TiddlyWiki CLI command, without the ``--``, e.g., ``savewikifolder``. The following elements of the list are arguments to that command. :param base_wiki_folder: If the wiki to execute commands against is not the one in the current directory, provide its path here. The current directory is the source wiki's root directory during the execution of builders, unless explicitly changed. """ call_args = [_tw_path()] if base_wiki_folder is not None: call_args.append(base_wiki_folder) for tw_arg in args: call_args.append(f"--{tw_arg[0]}") for inner_arg in tw_arg[1:]: call_args.append(inner_arg) return def _init_tzk_config() -> None: print("tzk: Creating new") with open(Path(__file__).parent / "") as f: default_config = now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") generation_details = f"Created automatically by 'tzk init' at {now}." default_config = default_config.replace('<>', generation_details) with open("", "w") as f: f.write(default_config) def _init_npm(wiki_name: str, tw_version_spec: str, author: str) -> None: """ Create a package.json file for this repository, requiring TiddlyWiki at the specified version, and install the npm dependencies. """ print("tzk: Creating new package.json...") PACKAGE_JSON = dedent(""" { "name": "%(wiki_name)s", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "My nice notes", "dependencies": { "tiddlywiki": "%(tw_version_spec)s" }, "author": "%(author)s", "license": "See copyright notice in wiki" } """).strip() % ({'tw_version_spec': tw_version_spec, 'author': author, 'wiki_name': wiki_name}) with open("package.json", "w") as f: f.write(PACKAGE_JSON) print("tzk: Installing npm packages from package.json...") subprocess.check_call(("npm", "install")) def _init_tw(wiki_name: str) -> None: """ Create a new TiddlyWiki in the subfolder named 'wiki_name' using 'tiddlywiki --init'. """ print("tzk: Creating new TiddlyWiki...") try: os.mkdir(wiki_name) except FileExistsError: pass with pushd(wiki_name): subprocess.check_call((_tw_path(), "--init")) def _add_filesystem_plugins(wiki_name: str) -> None: """ Add the "tiddlywiki/filesystem" and "tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb" plugins required for Node.js client-server operation to the new wiki's """ print("tzk: Adding filesystem plugins to") info_path = Path.cwd() / wiki_name / "" with"r") as f: info_data = json.load(f) info_data['plugins'] = ["tiddlywiki/filesystem", "tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb"] with"w") as f: json.dump(info_data, f) def _init_gitignore() -> None: """ Create a basic gitignore for the new wiki. """ print("tzk: Creating gitignore...") GITIGNORE = dedent(""" __pycache__/ node_modules/ .peru/ output/ \$__StoryList.tid """).strip() with open(".gitignore", "w") as f: f.write(GITIGNORE) def _initial_commit() -> None: """ Create a new Git repo and commit everything we've done so far. """ print("tzk: Initializing new Git repository for wiki...") git.exec("init") print("tzk: Committing changes to repository...") git.exec("add", "-A") git.exec("commit", "-m", "Initial commit") def install(wiki_name: str, tw_version_spec: str, author: Optional[str]): """ Install TiddlyWiki on Node.js in the current directory and set up a new wiki. """ # assert: caller has checked npm and git are installed if author is None: author = _whoami() _init_tzk_config() _init_npm(wiki_name, tw_version_spec, author) _init_tw(wiki_name) _add_filesystem_plugins(wiki_name) _init_gitignore() _initial_commit() print("tzk: Initialized successfully. " "Review the '' in a text editor and make any changes desired, " "then run 'tzk listen' to start the server.")