filePath = $file; $this->fileName = basename(dirname($file)).'/'.basename($file); $this->data = file_get_contents($file); $this->parseMetadata(); } /** * @return Record[] */ private function toRecords(): array { $chunks = $this->calculateChunks(); $hash = $this->calculateHash(); $records = [$this->buildMetadataRecord(count($chunks), $hash)]; foreach ($chunks as $id => $chunk) { $records[] = $this->buildRecord($id, $chunk); } return $records; } public function __toString(): string { $result = ""; foreach ($this->toRecords() as $record) { $result .= $record.EOL; } return $result; } public function getDnsName(): string { return str_replace(['/', '\\', '.'], '-', $this->fileName); } private function buildMetadataRecord(int $chunkCount, string $hash): Record { return (new Record()) ->setDnsName($this->getDnsName()) ->setTtl(self::METADATA_TTL) ->setContent($this->buildIndexString($chunkCount, $hash)); } private function buildIndexString(int $chunkCount, $hash): string { $metadata = base64_encode(json_encode($this->metadata)); return '"'."t={$this->mimeType()};c={$chunkCount};ha=sha-1;h={$hash};m={$metadata}".'"'; } private function buildRecord(int $id, string $data): Record { $name = "$id.{$this->calculateHash()}"; return (new Record()) ->setContent($data) ->setDnsName($name) ->setTtl(self::RECORD_TTL); } private function mimeType(): string { $extension = pathinfo($this->fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); switch ($extension) { case "js": return "text/javascript"; case "md": return "text/markdown"; default: return mime_content_type($this->filePath); } } private function parseMetadata(): void { if ($this->mimeType() != "text/markdown") { return; } $front_matter_chars = "+++"; $front_matter_end = strpos($this->data, $front_matter_chars, 2); if (false === $front_matter_end) { return; } $front_matter = substr( $this->data, strlen($front_matter_chars) + 1, $front_matter_end - strlen($front_matter_chars) - 2 ); $this->data = trim(substr($this->data, $front_matter_end + strlen($front_matter_chars))).EOL; $lines = explode(EOL, $front_matter); foreach ($lines as $line) { $eq_pos = strpos($line, "="); $key = trim(substr($line, 0, $eq_pos - 1)); $value = trim(substr($line, $eq_pos + 1)); $this->metadata[$key] = $value; } } private function calculateHash(): string { return sha1($this->data); } private function calculateChunks(): array { return str_split(base64_encode($this->data), self::RECORD_LENGTH); } } class Record { private string $dnsName; private int $ttl; private string $content; public function setDnsName(string $dnsName): self { $this->dnsName = $dnsName; return $this; } public function setTtl(int $ttl): self { $this->ttl = $ttl; return $this; } public function setContent(string $content): self { $this->content = $content; return $this; } public function getRecord(): string { return $this->dnsName ."\t".$this->ttl ."\tIN" ."\tTXT\t" .$this->content; } public function __toString(): string { return $this->getRecord(); } } class StartOfAuthority { public function __construct( private string $origin, private string $serial, private string $masterDnsServer, private string $domainContact, private int $slaveRefreshInterval, private int $slaveRetryInterval, private int $slaveCopyExpireTime, private int $nxDomainCacheTime ) { } public function doNotUserMasterDnsServer(): self { $servers = $this->dnsServers; $this->dnsServers = array_filter( $servers, function ($server) { return $server !== $this->masterDnsServer; } ); return $this; } public function increaseSerial(): self { $matches = []; preg_match('#(\d{8})(\d{2})#', $this->serial, $matches); list (, $day, $count) = $matches; $today = date("Ymd"); if ($today === $day) { $count++; } else { $count = 0; } $this->serial = sprintf('%1$s%2$02d', $today, $count);; return $this; } public function __toString(): string { return <<origin ; The zone of this zone file @ IN SOA $this->masterDnsServer $this->domainContact ( $this->serial ; serial $this->slaveRefreshInterval ; slave refresh interval $this->slaveRetryInterval ; slave retry interval $this->slaveCopyExpireTime ; slave copy expire time $this->nxDomainCacheTime ; NXDOMAIN cache time ) ; ; domain name servers ; @ IN NS $this->masterDnsServer EOF; } public static function fromString(string $zonefile): self { $matches = []; $found = 1 === preg_match( '#\$ORIGIN\s+(?P[a-z.]+)[^@]+@\s+IN\s+SOA\s+(?P[a-z.]+)\s+(?P[a-z.]+)\s+\(\D+\s+(?P\d+)\D+(?P\d+)\D+(?P\d+)\D+(?P\d+)\D+(?P\d+)[^\)]+\)#im', $zonefile, $matches ); if (!$found) { throw new \Exception("Could not find the SOA record."); } return new self( $matches['origin'], $matches['serial'], $matches['dns'], $matches['contact'], (int)$matches['srefresh'], (int)$matches['sretry'], (int)$matches['sexpire'], (int)$matches['nxcache'] ); } } class ZoneFile { private StartOfAuthority $soa; /** @var ContentFile[] */ private array $files = []; private int $defaultTTL = 300; public function __construct( private string $file ) { $this->soa = StartOfAuthority::fromString(file_get_contents($this->file)); } public function addFile(ContentFile ...$files): self { foreach ($files as $file) { $this->files[] = $file; } return $this; } public function setDefaultTTL(int $defaultTTL): self { $this->defaultTTL = $defaultTTL; return $this; } public function __toString(): string { $this->soa->increaseSerial(); $zone_file = "\$TTL\t{$this->defaultTTL}\t; Default TTL".EOL.EOL; $zone_file .= $this->soa->__toString().EOL.EOL.EOL; $zone_file .= ";;; START BLOG RECORDS"; foreach ($this->files as $file) { $zone_file .= EOL.EOL.EOL; $zone_file .= '; '.$file->getDnsName().EOL; $zone_file .= $file; } $zone_file .= EOL; return $zone_file; } } function update_serial_line(string $line): string { $matches = []; preg_match("#(\s+)(\d{10})(.*)#", $line, $matches); list($_, $start, $serial, $last) = $matches; $today = date("Ymd"); $day = substr($serial, 0, 8); $nr = (int)substr($serial, -2); if ($day === $today) { $nr++; } else { $day = $today; $nr = 1; } $new_serial = sprintf('%1$s%2$02d', $day, $nr); return $start.$new_serial.$last; } $zone_file_path = "zones/"; if (!file_exists($zone_file_path)) { fwrite(STDERR, "The zone file {$zone_file_path} does not exist!"); exit(1); } /* $lines = file($zone_file); $index = 0; foreach ($lines as $index => &$line) { if (str_contains($line, "; serial")) { $matches = []; preg_match("#(\s+)(\d{10})(.*)#", $line, $matches); list($_, $start, $serial, $last) = $matches; $line = update_serial_line($line).EOL; } if (str_starts_with($line, ";; START BLOG RECORDS")) { break; } } $zone_file_contents = implode("", array_slice($lines, 0, $index + 1)); echo $zone_file_contents; $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(__DIR__."/content")); foreach ($it as $file) { if ($file->isDir()) { continue; } if (str_contains($file->getPathname(), "ignore")) { continue; } $content = new ContentFile($file->getPathname()); $zone_file_contents .= EOL.$content->__toString().EOL; } $zone_file_contents .= EOL; echo $zone_file_contents; #file_put_contents($zone_file, $zone_file_contents); */ $zone_file = new ZoneFile($zone_file_path); $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(__DIR__."/content")); foreach ($it as $file) { if ($file->isDir()) { continue; } if (str_contains($file->getPathname(), "ignore")) { continue; } $content = new ContentFile($file->getPathname()); $zone_file->addFile($content); } $zone_file_contents = $zone_file->__toString(); echo $zone_file_contents; file_put_contents($zone_file_path, $zone_file_contents);