2013-02-20 00:08:43 +04:00

60 lines
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# Git related Bash aliases
# `cd` to repo root
alias git-root='git rev-parse 2>/dev/null && cd "./$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)"'
alias gr="git-root"
# Deploy using Fabric
alias pff="push && fab"
# Setup syncronization of current Git repo with GitHub repo of the same name
# USAGE: git-github [repo]
function git-github() {
local repo=${1-`basename "$(pwd)"`}
git remote add origin "$github_user/$repo.git"
git push -u origin master
# Setup syncronization of current Git repo with Bitbucket repo of the same name
# USAGE: git-bitbucket [repo]
function git-bitbucket() {
local repo=${1-`basename "$(pwd)"`}
git remote add origin "$bitbucket_user/$repo.git"
git push -u origin master
# Add remote upstream
# USAGE: git-fork <original-author>
function git-fork() {
local user=$1
if [[ "$user" == "" ]]; then
echo "Usage: git-fork <original-author>"
local repo=`basename "$(pwd)"`
git remote add upstream "$user/$repo.git"
# Sync branch with upstream
# USAGE: git-upstream [branch]
function git-upstream() {
local branch=${1-master}
git fetch upstream
git checkout $branch
git merge upstream/$branch
# Add all staged files to previous commit
function git-append() {
git log -n 1 --pretty=tformat:%s%n%n%b | git commit -F - --amend
# List of files with unresolved conflicts
function git-conflicts() {
git ls-files -u | awk '{print $4}' | sort -u