# Don't put duplicate lines in the history export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth:erasedups # Set history length HISTFILESIZE=1000000000 HISTSIZE=1000000 # Append to the history file, don't overwrite it shopt -s histappend # Check the window size after each command and, if necessary, update the values of LINES and COLUMNS shopt -s checkwinsize # Autocorrect typos in path names when using `cd` shopt -s cdspell # Save all lines of a multiple-line command in the same history entry (allows easy re-editing of multi-line commands) shopt -s cmdhist # Do not autocomplete when accidentally pressing Tab on an empty line. (It takes forever and yields "Display all 15 gazillion possibilites?") shopt -s no_empty_cmd_completion; # Do not overwrite files when redirecting using ">". Note that you can still override this with ">|" set -o noclobber; # Enable some Bash 4 features when possible: # * `autocd`, e.g. `**/qux` will enter `./foo/bar/baz/qux` # * Recursive globbing, e.g. `echo **/*.txt` for option in autocd globstar; do shopt -s "$option" 2> /dev/null done # Locale export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG="en_US" # Extend $PATH [ -d ~/bin ] && PATH="~/bin:$PATH" [ -d /usr/local/share/npm/bin ] && PATH="/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH" PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" command -v brew >/dev/null 2>&1 && PATH="$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" export PATH # Load prompt and aliases for file in ~/dotfiles/includes/{bash_prompt,bash_aliases,bash_functions}; do [ -r "$file.bash" ] && source "$file.bash" done unset file # If possible, add tab completion for many commands [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && source /etc/bash_completion # Bash completion (installed via Homebrew; source after `brew` is added to PATH) command -v brew >/dev/null 2>&1 && [ -r "$(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion" ] && source "$(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion" # Add tab completion for SSH hostnames based on ~/.ssh/config, ignoring wildcards _ssh_reload_autocomplete() { [ -e "~/.ssh/config" ] && complete -o "default" -o "nospace" -W "$(grep "^Host" ~/.ssh/config | grep -v "[?*]" | cut -d " " -f2)" scp sftp ssh } _ssh_reload_autocomplete # Nano is default editor export EDITOR='nano' # Tell ls to be colourful export CLICOLOR=1 # Tell grep to highlight matches export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto' # Make less the default pager, and specify some useful defaults. less_options=( # If the entire text fits on one screen, just show it and quit. (Be more # like "cat" and less like "more".) --quit-if-one-screen # Do not clear the screen first. --no-init # Like "smartcase" in Vim: ignore case unless the search pattern is mixed. --ignore-case # Do not automatically wrap long lines. --chop-long-lines # Allow ANSI colour escapes, but no other escapes. --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS # Do not ring the bell when trying to scroll past the end of the buffer. --quiet # Do not complain when we are on a dumb terminal. --dumb ); export LESS="${less_options[*]}"; unset less_options; export PAGER='less'; # Load extra (private) settings [ -r "~/.bashlocal" ] && source "~/.bashlocal"