# Inspired by: https://github.com/dreadatour/dotfiles/blob/master/.bash_profile # Setup color variables color_is_on= color_red= color_green= color_yellow= color_blue= color_white= color_gray= color_bg_red= color_off= if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then color_is_on=true color_red="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 1)\]" color_green="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 2)\]" color_yellow="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 3)\]" color_blue="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 6)\]" color_white="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 7)\]" color_gray="\[$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 8)\]" color_off="\[$(/usr/bin/tput sgr0)\]" color_error="$(/usr/bin/tput setab 1)$(/usr/bin/tput setaf 7)" color_error_off="$(/usr/bin/tput sgr0)" # set user color case `id -u` in 0) color_user=$color_red ;; *) color_user=$color_green ;; esac fi # Some kind of optimization - check if git installed only on config load PS1_GIT_BIN=$(which git 2>/dev/null) function prompt_command { local PS1_GIT= local GIT_BRANCH= local GIT_DIRTY= local PWDNAME="$PWD" # Beautify working directory name if [ "$HOME" == "$PWD" ]; then PWDNAME="~" elif [ "$HOME" == "${PWD:0:${#HOME}}" ]; then PWDNAME="~${PWD:${#HOME}}" fi # Parse git status and get git variables if [[ ! -z "$PS1_GIT_BIN" ]]; then # check we are in git repo local CUR_DIR="$PWD" while [[ ! -d "${CUR_DIR}/.git" ]] && [[ ! "${CUR_DIR}" == "/" ]] && [[ ! "${CUR_DIR}" == "~" ]] && [[ ! "${CUR_DIR}" == "" ]]; do CUR_DIR="${CUR_DIR%/*}"; done if [[ -d "${CUR_DIR}/.git" ]]; then # 'git repo for dotfiles' fix: show git status only in home dir and other git repos if [[ "${CUR_DIR}" != "${HOME}" ]] || [[ "${PWD}" == "${HOME}" ]]; then # get git branch GIT_BRANCH="$($PS1_GIT_BIN symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)" if [[ ! -z "$GIT_BRANCH" ]]; then GIT_BRANCH="${GIT_BRANCH#refs/heads/}" # get git status local GIT_STATUS="$($PS1_GIT_BIN status --porcelain 2>/dev/null)" [[ -n "$GIT_STATUS" ]] && GIT_DIRTY=1 fi fi fi fi # Build B&W prompt for git [[ ! -z "$GIT_BRANCH" ]] && PS1_GIT=" #${GIT_BRANCH}" # Calculate prompt length local PS1_length=$((${#USER}+${#HOSTNAME}+${#PWDNAME}+${#PS1_GIT}+3)) local FILL= # Of length is greater, than terminal width if [[ $PS1_length -gt $COLUMNS ]]; then # strip working directory name PWDNAME="...${PWDNAME:$(($PS1_length-$COLUMNS+3))}" else # else calculate fillsize local fillsize=$(($COLUMNS-$PS1_length)) FILL="$color_gray" while [[ $fillsize -gt 0 ]]; do FILL="${FILL}ā”€"; fillsize=$(($fillsize-1)); done FILL="${FILL}${color_off}" fi if $color_is_on; then # Git status for prompt if [ ! -z "$GIT_BRANCH" ]; then if [ -z "$GIT_DIRTY" ]; then PS1_GIT=" #${color_green}${GIT_BRANCH}${color_off}" else PS1_GIT=" #${color_red}${GIT_BRANCH}${color_off}" fi fi fi # set new color prompt PS1="${color_user}${USER}${color_off}@${color_yellow}${HOSTNAME}${color_off}:${color_white}${PWDNAME}${color_off}${PS1_GIT} ${FILL}\nā†’ " # get cursor position and add new line if we're not in first column # cool'n'dirty trick (http://stackoverflow.com/a/2575525/1164595) # XXX FIXME: this hack broke ssh =( # exec < /dev/tty # local OLDSTTY=$(stty -g) # stty raw -echo min 0 # echo -en "\033[6n" > /dev/tty && read -sdR CURPOS # stty $OLDSTTY echo -en "\033[6n" && read -sdR CURPOS [[ "${CURPOS##*;}" -gt 1 ]] && echo "${color_error}ā—${color_error_off}" # Set title echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}:${PWDNAME}"; echo -ne "\007" } # Set prompt command (title update and color prompt) PROMPT_COMMAND=prompt_command # Set new B&W prompt (will be overwritten in `prompt_command` later with color prompt) PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '