# Artem Sapegin’s dotfiles ## Installation ```bash cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/sapegin/dotfiles.git && cd dotfiles && ./sync.py ``` It’will clone latest version of dotfiles to `~/dotfiles` and make symlinks in your home directory. ## Updating ```bash cd ~/dotfiles && git pull && ./sync.py ``` ## Screenshot ![Terminal.app](http://cl.ly/image/3q3B1S0O2m0f/Screen%20Shot%202012-10-19%20at%2015.28.31.png) ## Features * Custom Bash prompt, useful aliases, etc. * Git config, Git global ignore file. * Dotfiles syncronization (`sync.py`). * Sensible OS X defaults (`setup/osx.sh`). * Sublime Text 2 settings syncronization and packages autoinstall (`setup/sublime-settings.sh` and `setup/sublime-packages.sh`). * Consolas font install script (`setup/consolas.sh`) * Bash4 install script (`setup/bash.sh`) * Homebrew bootstrap (`setup/brew.sh`) * My magic project opener (`bin/opener.py`) * [Mac OS apps I use](https://github.com/sapegin/dotfiles/wiki/Mac-OS-Apps) ## Notes You can use any file extensions in `tilde/` to invoke proper syntax highlighting in code editor. ## Further customization * Add any Bash profile customizations to `~/.bashlocal`. * Add your git username/email/etc. to `~/.gitlocal`. * Just fork this repo and hack on. ## Resources * [GitHub ❤ ~/](http://dotfiles.github.com/) * [Mathias’s dotfiles](https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles) * [Jan Moesen’s dotfiles](https://github.com/janmoesen/tilde) * [Nicolas Gallagher’s dotfiles](https://github.com/necolas/dotfiles) * [Zach Holman’s dotfiles](https://github.com/holman/dotfiles) * [Jacob Gillespie’s dotfiles](https://github.com/jacobwg/dotfiles) * [Yet Another Dotfile Repo](https://github.com/skwp/dotfiles) * [Mac OS X Lion Setup](https://github.com/ptb/Mac-OS-X-Lion-Setup) * [Yet another cool story about bash prompt](http://habrahabr.ru/company/mailru/blog/145008/) (in Russian) --- :shipit: