#!/usr/bin/ruby # Dropzone Destination Info # Name: Send to Kindle # Description: Drop an ebook and it will be converted to MOBI and sent to your Kindle. Hold Option to convert via Amazon service. # Handles: NSFilenamesPboardType # Events: Clicked, Dragged # Creator: Artem Sapegin # URL: http://sapegin.me # OptionsNIB: Login # IconURL: https://raw.github.com/sapegin/dotfiles/master/dropzone/icons/kindle.png # # Require: # - Calibre - http://calibre-ebook.com/download (install command line tools from Calibre’s settings) # - mutt - brew install mutt --sidebar-patch # - msmtp - https://gist.github.com/nerab/1410840 - http://www.tuaw.com/2010/05/04/msmtp-a-free-tool-to-send-email-from-terminal/ # - anytomobi - https://github.com/sapegin/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/anytomobi # # Setup: # - Open Dropzone Kindle destination settings and type your Kindle email in Username field and any string to assword field. require "tmpdir" # http://stackoverflow.com/a/8791484 def in_tmpdir path = File.expand_path "#{Dir.tmpdir}/#{Time.now.to_i}#{rand(1000)}/" FileUtils.mkdir_p path yield path ensure FileUtils.rm_rf(path) if File.exists?(path) end def dragged if not ENV["USERNAME"] $dz.error("Kindle destination not configured", "Open Dropzone Kindle destination settings and type your Kindle email in Username field and any string to assword field.") exit() end convert_by_amazon = ENV["KEY_MODIFIERS"] == "Option" $dz.determinate(false) in_tmpdir do |tmp_dir| for file in $items filename = File.basename(file) ext = File.extname(file) pdf = ext == '.pdf' if not pdf and not convert_by_amazon $dz.begin("Converting #{filename}…") output = `anytomobi #{file} #{tmp_dir} 2>&1` ; result = $?.success? if not result $dz.error("Cannot convert #{filename} to MOBI.", output) $dz.finish(false) exit() end filename = File.basename(file, ext) + '.mobi' file = "#{tmp_dir}/#{filename}" end $dz.begin("Sending #{filename}…") subject = convert_by_amazon ? " -s CONVERT" : "" output = `echo 'Yay!' | mutt #{subject} -a '#{file}' -- #{ENV['USERNAME']} 2>&1` ; result = $?.success? if not result $dz.error("Cannot send #{filename} to Kindle.", output) $dz.finish(false) exit() end end end $dz.finish("Enjoy reading!") $dz.url(false) end def clicked if File.directory?("/Volumes/Kindle") system("open /Volumes/Kindle/documents/") else $dz.error("Kindle not mounted", "Connect your Kindle to computer if you want to open documents folder.") end $dz.url(false) end