#!/bin/bash # Get OS X software updates, update Homebrew, NPM, Ruby packages, dotfiles and some other software function header() { echo -e "$(tput sgr 0 1)$(tput setaf 6)$1$(tput sgr0)" } # Ask for the administrator password upfront sudo -v echo # Dotfiles header "Updating dotfiles..." cd "$HOME/dotfiles" git pull ./sync.py source "$HOME/.bashrc" cd - echo # OS X header "Updating OS X..." sudo softwareupdate -i -a echo # Homebrew header "Updating Homebrew..." brew update brew upgrade brew cleanup echo # NPM header "Updating NPM..." npm update npm -g npm update -g echo # Ruby gems header "Updating Ruby gems..." sudo gem update echo # Python header "Updating Python packages..." sudo pip install --upgrade fabric echo # git-friendly header "Updating git-friendly..." sudo bash < <( curl https://raw.github.com/jamiew/git-friendly/master/install.sh) echo # Nyan cat! Yay! nyan