
79 lines
2.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
ui = auto
2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
[color "diff"]
meta = blue
frag = white
old = red bold
new = green bold
2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
# Force vim in foreground mode.
editor = vim -f
# If doesn't work, try: pager = less -+$LESS -FRX
pager = less -r
autocrlf = false
safecrlf = false
mergeoptions = --no-edit
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
a = add
ua = reset HEAD
b = branch
c = commit --verbose
ca = commit -a --verbose
cm = commit -m --verbose
cam = commit -am --verbose
co = checkout
d = diff --color-words
s = status -sb
l = log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(magenta)%h%C(blue)%d%Creset %s %C(blue bold)- %an, %ar%Creset'
ll = log --stat --abbrev-commit
conflicts = diff --name-only --diff-filter=U
commerge = commit --no-edit
2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
default = upstream
2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
# Any GitHub repo with my username should be checked out r/w by default
[url ""]
insteadOf = "git://"
2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
# URL shorthands
[url ""]
insteadOf = "gh:"
pushInsteadOf = "github:"
pushInsteadOf = "git://"
2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
[url "git://"]
insteadOf = "github:"
2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
[url ""]
insteadOf = "gst:"
pushInsteadOf = "gist:"
pushInsteadOf = "git://"
2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
[url "git://"]
insteadOf = "gist:"
2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
[url ""]
insteadOf = "gc:"
2013-02-24 19:24:42 +00:00
# DiffMerge
tool = diffmerge
2013-02-24 19:24:42 +00:00
[mergetool "diffmerge"]
cmd = diffmerge --merge --result=$MERGED $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE
trustExitCode = true
2013-02-24 19:24:42 +00:00
tool = diffmerge
2013-02-24 19:24:42 +00:00
[difftool "diffmerge"]
cmd = diffmerge $LOCAL $REMOTE
2013-02-24 19:24:42 +00:00
2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
# Include local settings
# Requires Git 1.7.10
# git config -f ~/.gitlocal ""
# git config -f ~/.gitlocal "Jacob Kiers"
2012-10-10 12:51:59 +00:00
path = .gitlocal
prune = true