
use Mockery as m;
use GaryJones\OAuth\HmacSha1;

class HmacSha1Test extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function tearDown()

    public function testSignatureName()
        $hmacsha1 = $this->getSignatureMethod();
        $this->assertEquals('HMAC-SHA1', $hmacsha1->getName());

    public function testBuildSignatureWithoutToken()
        // Create instance of class to test
        $hmacsha1 = $this->getSignatureMethod();

        // Get mock objects
        $request = $this->getRequest();
        $client = $this->getClient();

        // Run method being tested
        $signature = $hmacsha1->buildSignature($request, $client);

        // Check results
        $this->assertEquals('RaZU4UG/wwJ/E5Df2/pePmwaS1Q=', $signature);

    public function testBuildSignatureWithToken()
        // Create instance of class to test
        $hmacsha1 = $this->getSignatureMethod();

        // Get mock objects
        $request = $this->getRequest();
        $client = $this->getClient();
        $token = $this->getToken();

        // Run method being tested
        $signature = $hmacsha1->buildSignature($request, $client, $token);

        // Check results
        $this->assertEquals('1P/rfHzjnxBcNzngW9BEuT01goM=', $signature);

    private function getSignatureMethod()
        return new HmacSha1;

    private function getRequest()
        return m::mock('GaryJones\OAuth\Request', function ($mock) {

    private function getClient()
        return m::mock('GaryJones\OAuth\Client', function ($mock) {

    private function getToken()
        return m::mock('GaryJones\OAuth\Token', function ($mock) {